Currently studying Sports coaching Science at the University of Worcester in England.
I am a qualified level 2 (core coach) cricket coach from the English Cricket Board and have been coaching since 2021.
My coaching ranges from age of under 12's and onwards. In the process of learning how to coach I was also introduced to coaching a variety of disability sport with my focus revolving around cricket.
Day Night test cricket is a total different ball game altogether not because the timing and the format of test cricket has changed but the ball itself has been changed. So pink as a colour was settled upon error experiments with yellow and fluorescent orange. Different shades of pink were tried before selecting the one…
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Felis aliquam auctor posuere at velit sollicitudin ullam.
Samet pellentesque vallis maximus lectus.
Donec mi felis, aliquam auctor posuere at velit sollicitudin.
Samet pellentesque vallis ex ut, maximus lectus.
Sed hendrerit enim non justo posuere.
Non justo posuere eget purus vel maneque eget diam posuere.
Fusce congue semet nulla elit a lacinia luctus.